Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Making Progress
Chloe has been practing standing on her own and took a few steps yesterday. I think she should be walking in a week or two. Yesterday she also got up onto the couch twice by herself!
And sorry about all of my spelling errors. I am not a great speller (or proof reader) and even though I have set the blog to be in English, it often brings my dashboard and spellcheck back to Dutch.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday we went over to the Arc de Triomphe and were able to get some great pictures before heading home.
I feel like people were looking at us and thinking why in the world would they bring 2 kids to Paris. It was nice to hear Americans talking. It is not often that you hear American accents in Antwerp.
On our way home, we stopped at a food store to try and find vodka, which does not seem to be very popular here. Craig ended up coming out of the store with 18 bottles of wine, a 6 pack of beer and no vodka.
It turned out to be a typical weekend trip - the kids were a handful, Craig almost got into a fight with a kid and we almost ran out of diesel on our way there. The big difference on this trip was that we actually had a decent hotel room despite having a small swarm of nats hovering in the middle of our room one day. It was quickly cleared up, screens are a novelty here. It was a good weekend - Happy Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Baby K the Elephant
There were so many people there to see her. Once again our trip to the zoo was cut short because Chloe accidently had her fingers shut the bathroom stall door. I brought her to the emergency room to make sure her fingers wasn't were not broken. She is fine. I wasn't sure how the hospital worked here and was a little nervous when they said I had to pay the bill before I left. Our bill was only 22 Euros (about $30)!!
We are headed to Paris tomorrow!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bruges and Baby Elephants

Colin has been doing really well at school. He has been making some friends, other than Lilyanne (his English speaking friend). Colin told me today that his friend, Alesandro, does not listen to him. Well of course he doesn't, he doesn't speak English.
This weekend is a holiday weekend - not sure what holiday. I think we will be heading up to Amsterdam for a few days. It should be less than a 2 hour drive.
Where is the Belgium Zoo?

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!!
We spend the day wandering the city and eating lots of treats, like french fries with mayo, crepes and speculoos ice cream (my new favorite). It was a beautiful day, so we ate dinner outside at an excellent Thai restaurant around the corner. We thought it was so funny that they served Colin's soda in a wine glass!
Yesterday, we drove about 45 minutes to the town of Ghent. It is a beautiful city with several canals running through it. We took a boat ride thorough the main canal to see several parts of the city including it's castle. We also went up into the Belfry in the center of town.
Colin made sure he showed us the statues birdie.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Disneyland Paris